Tuesday, September 12, 2006

September Awareness

I've just got to add something here. September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Men don't talk about these things like women do, so everyone on earth knows October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but not many people out there know that 1 in 6 men will develop prostate cancer in some form during their lifetime.

This, like breast cancer, is an increasingly treatable, easily detectable cancer. In fact, early detection is key. Most men over the ages or 45 to 50 ought to be tested as part of a yearly checkup--if we can get them to have a yearly checkup. Women don't like mammograms, or especially pap tests (you know what I'm talking about) but we do them nonetheless because we know how important it is. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take the time to encourage the men in your life to get themselves screened.

My Dad, pictured above at Christmas, 2005, passed away in June. We got five more wonderful years with him because he was sensible enough to have himself screened, and was courageous in getting treatment. So, do, talk to your menfolk. See if you can get him to do it for you, for your kids, for your grandkids, siblings, his mom, and also for my kind, brave, much-missed Dad. It's really important.



Friday, September 08, 2006

Long time, no write...

Man, am I ever falling behind! Plus I have a pile of pictures to post as well. So, here they are in order:

Jenn finished her first sweater! Isn't it gorgeous? She did all kinds of short-row shaping along the back neck, and had to pick up 200 million stitches for the band, and then stitch all those pieces together, and she's now officially no longer a beginner. My dear, you have been promoted to ADVANCED beginner. Good work, I'm so proud of you!! Here's hoping it fits the little guy.

MJ finished the Vogue cover cardigan/shrug knit in the round from the center out with some sort of insane twisted stitch. Here's a picture of the front and a picture of the back. It's stunning. Mindblowing. Also, she dyed the wool herself. I really need to come up with some sort of medal or something for these ladies. They impress me every time we get together!

We did a dying session at MJ's camp. Didn't make too much of a mess, thankfully, had a blast. This next picture is the spoils of the day. All dyed with Kool-Aid. Pretty awesome, huh?

That's pretty much it for now. I promise to be more on top of things in coming days. We're all gearing up to Fryeburg Fair and I know I'm trying to pull some projects of of...ehem... thin air (?) before the deadline the end of the month.

Ta for now.
